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Infirmities, England and Wales, Vol. XI, 1911

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-ii) Title page and contents
(14 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page iii) The form of the infirmity question at successive censuses, 1851 to 1911
(Pages v-viii)Expand subtree The blind
(Page viii)Expand subtree The deaf (other than deaf-mutes)
(Pages viii-x)Expand subtree The deaf and dumb
(Pages x-xv)Contract subtree The insane
(Page x) Table VI. Number and proportion of the insane at each census from 1871 to 1911  Download table
(Page xi) Table VII. Proportion of insane per million living in each age-group, 1871-1911  Download table
(Page xi) Table VIII. Proportion of lunatic and imbecile or feeble-minded per million living in each age-group, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page xii) Table IX. Proportion of lunatic, imbecile, and feeble-minded per million of the population  Download table
(Page xii) Table X. Numbers of the insane enumerated in workhouse institutions, in lunatic asylums, in other institutions, and elsewhere at the censuses of 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page xiii) Table XI. Administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs). Numbers of the insane enumerated in workhouses, lunatic asylums, other institutions, and elsewhere, also proportions of insane persons not in institutions to 100, 000 of the population  Download table
(Pages xiv-xv) Table XII. Total number of pauper lunatics, idiots, and persons of unsound mind belonging to each administrative county, and to each county borough on 1st January, 1911  Download table
(Page xv) Table showing administrative counties and county boroughs with the highest and lowest proportion of pauper lunatics  Download table
(Page xv) Combined infirmities
(78 pages)Expand subtree Tables